Beautiful Bathrooms

Bathroom design for grown-ups.


Absolving ablutions deserve a special setting that salves, satiates and soothes, from pared down minimalism, wholesome rustic, elaborate luxury or unmitigated indulgence. All of the aforementioned styles can be found within thoughtful bathroom interior design…

Cosi-Tabellini-Italian-Pewter-Journal-2-Beautiful-BathroomsImagine having the time to study wholesome white-washed walls, wistfully wiling away whilst washing, or contemplating vaulted ceilings for rustic romance and terracotta-ed walls for modest revitalisation and revival, or maybe experimenting with expanses of polished marble and ornate fixtures and fittings to allow a little pampering and personal polish, or organising ornamental tiles that tessellate to make masterpieces, whilst musing in blissful bubble baths…


Enigmatically eclectic could be one way to describe such spaces that offer you sanctuary to soak and scrub, where natural and modest materials, such a wood, terracotta, and stone come together with luxurious marble, crystal and glass in imitable sumptuous style, which make personal preparations that are humble and perfunctory turn into something far more reviving and indulgent.


Intelligent interior design seems to effortlessly team the wholesome and luxurious with carefully chosen characterful objects, such as pewter-based soap dishes, solid pewter baskets, pewter plant and candle holders and pewter framed mirrors. Natural light, subtle candlelight and electric lamplight throw different tones onto the chosen materials, be they dark, light, matt, reflective, opaque or transparent to create an ambience befitting of the primary private and personal place that is a bathroom.


Every home should have a counter to the all-too-often bright, brash, busy, business end family bathrooms, with jumbled rows of crazily colourful toothbrushes, ambiguous-function-flannels and tubs of toys. Where possible, the grown-ups should be able to retreat to tasteful spaces, no matter how modest in proportion, where materials are chosen and utilised with elegance and aesthetics in mind, muted tones and contrasting textures of the natural and carefully crafted come together to create a common theme of timeless escape.


A classic grown-up-inspired bathroom, is a place where every so often, one can close and lock the door, run a tap, infuse the air with too-good-for-the-children bath oils, breathe headily among steam and perfume, allow the volume of running water to drown out any distractions, and then immerse oneself literally and symbolically in rejuvenation via luxurious toiletries, beautiful accessories and tactile objects of pretty practicality that are self-indulgent and selfishly sumptuous – and don’t you dare allow yourself to feel an iota of guilt, as indulgence and indolence is exactly the point!

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